In episode 16-17 when the 9 find Kokoro's book and inform their father, he becomes concerned and reveals that humans have left old reproductive habits behind.
In episode 12 of the anime, how did zero two know what would come after a kiss, had he already done it or had someone told him?
And how are more children created if not by reproduction, by cloning?
In episode 16-17 when the 9 find Kokoro's book and inform their father, he worries and reveals to us that the humans had left behind the old reproductive habits.
In episode 12 of the anime, how did zero two know what was coming after a kiss, had he already done it or did someone tell him?
Tell me something similar to this series has gone very far, not necessarily from fur to me in this series, I have gone more into the constant development of characters, philosophical subtext and reflection in each series and of course REAL love lines between the characters, especially between the main ones, this is in the series really something real and not far-fetched far-fetched or tearful and tearjerking, which is why I want to see that type of all this, I'm sure that someone from this community will be able to help me, because I'm not the only one experiencing this after watching this series, thanks in advance to those who will help me!
Hi ! I'm looking forward to read the manga, i am a big fan but i can't find it in french.. do you know if it's available?
I was kinda wondering about the "000" on the OP all along and hoping there's a "000" character popping on any of the eps. Anyone got curious like me?
I think the first season should be rewritten completely with the exception of the relationships between Hiro and Zero-Two, and Ichigo and Goro until ep 15, they should completely scrap the idea of space battles against the aliens and maybe do it in season 2, the first season should be about Plantation 13 kids becoming more and more independent and questioning APE`s decisions eventually causing a revolution where they could ally with other plantation and convincing them to not be obedient anymore and fight for freedom, that from ep 15 onward. Also there must be some changes to the plot holes explaining better how they`re universe works and why is everything as it is. Also in the end they could fight the 9`s squad which would be allies of Papa giving a Robot vs Robot fight, and also the season should be longer than 24 episodes because as you all saw it was a very forced and fast forwarded ending, plus the fight in space should not even be discussed in the first season because until ep 19-20 the action was only on Earth it`s a shitty plot twist also there should be more attention to the secondary characters especially they`re personality at Zorome, Futoshi, Kokoro, Ikuno, Mitsuru, Miku, and also in the ending some of them could die, for ex: Mitsuru dying because he sacrificed himself to help Hiro in a Franxx to get to Zero-Two or something in order to make em more important i don`t know that with what happened in this season could be made a second one if it`s not different who agrees ?